BDO Sunghyun appoints a new CEO Kil-bae Yoon
BDO Sunghyun appoints a new CEO Kil-bae Yoon
June 24, 2021 - BDO Sunghyun announced that Kil-bae Yoon was appointed as a new CEO.
Graduating from Korea University, Gil-bae Yoon received an MA degree in accounting from Korea University Graduate School and a Ph.D. degree in accounting from Suwon University. He is an expert in audit and assurance with over 25 years of experience at PwC Korea and E-hyun accounting corporate.
Kil-bae stated, “Since the introduction of International Accounting Standards and enactment of the revised Act on External Audit of Stock Companies, the investment has been rapidly rising to enhance accounting transparency,” and said, “We should not take advantage of these environmental changes but put quality control first before the growth in scale, to take social responsibility of transparency enhancement.”
He commented, “My goal is not simply to increase sales revenue and rank but make our firm sustainable based on the principle ‘Quality is Business’” and also added, “My ambition includes reaching a headcount target of 500 professionals who share quality-oriented principle, and for the first step, we will hire 50 new accountants this year and provide them high-quality education and training.”
“Kil-bae Yoon is a great leader who values harmony,” said a partner in BDO Sunghyun, adding, “We believe his leadership based on mutual trust will play an important role for BDO Sunghyun to achieve our mission ‘People helping other people achieve their dreams’”.
BDO Sunghyun currently reached a headcount 300 employees with the revenues of KRW 41.8 billion as of March 2021, which is a dramatic growth after the merger between Sungto and E-hyun accounting firms in 2019.
More information about Kil-bae Yoon